• Hello everybody and welcome back!

    CM2 have been introduced to class rules and are also looking at directions, places within a community and what those places are there for. The aim is to make a large map which everyone has contributed to. It will feature detailed information about the buildings they have added and using more directions to and from different places (“I walk straight ahead and take the first right turn and walk under the bridge” as opposed to simple, “Go left, go right.”).

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  • Hello everybody and welcome back!

    The children have been welcomed back to school by looking at the classroom rules and understanding basic commands. We have practised the verb ‘TO BE’ and created a short book with the conjugations in it.

    We have been looking at vacations and holidays with the aim of making and writing a short postcard about a holiday the children have taken.

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  • CP and CE1 project classes are watching the movie Babe this week.

    The movie BABE

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  • CE1 English Project

    Hi Everyone!

    It has been a fun and hectic first month in class. Wow...already five weeks into the school year!

    After getting to know one another, the month of September was focused on European countries to mark the 26th of September, the European Day of Languages. The focus was European countries but we extended beyond the boundary of European to include the countries of students not from Europe, like the United States of America, Argentina, Kazakhstan and my own country, Australia. The final task was completing the spinning wheel shows students the country, nationality and language for a wide variety of countries.

    Having finished looking at countries, we have now turned our attention to the farm!

    Till next time…

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  • Hi!

    September 26 marks the European Day of Languages so through September in CP Project we have been looking at countries in Europe and their nationalities, flags and languages.

    With a diverse range backgrounds in the class we also extended beyond Europe and looked at the countries and flags of each student.

    The work culminated in each student contributing their flag to the European Day of Languages' display in the school's entrance and a spinning wheel reflecting individual countries, nationalities and languages.

    Next project: Farm animals

    Stay Tuned!


    CP English Project

    CP English Project

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