• CP also looked at materials and the story of the three little pigs, but with a greater focus on the story over the materials. The created some great masks for the pigs, the wolfs and the salesmen and some designs for the three houses. Below is a group photos after the classes had performed their versions of the story.

    CP Project - The Three Little Pigs

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  • To round out the third period of the year in CE1 Project, our work on materials was brought to an end with the story of the Three Little Pigs.  In class students had been identifying different materials, where some of those materials come from, what things are made out of different materials, and adjectives to describe materials. to conclude the topic the class created props and masks before acting out their own take on the story (see some photos of the final performance below).

    CE1 Project

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  • Welcome back to CE1 Project for 2017!

    We started back the first week with students depicting their holiday in three drawing and saw some great images result...

    A typical school day in the life of...

    The first project for 2017 we are undertaking in CE1 project is creating a personalised book which tells the story of a typical day in the life of a student's school day. So far the students have brainstormed the events that occur at different times of the day (ie. morning, afternoon, evening and night) and planned the drawings. Over the coming few lessons students will start transferring their plan to the book.

    Stay tuned for the resulting books!

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  • CE1 Project


    After finishing up the topic on food and working through Halloween and thinking about what we are thankful for, CE1 Project started the new topic of space and traveling in space. We looked the planets that make up our solar system and then the Universe, which was pretty cool! Then we focused on humans' travels into space and launch process for sending a space shuttle into orbit.

    It's been busy and the students have been working really well. Now looking forward to a quick break before getting started again next year!

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